Pike13 has partnered with Smartwaiver to bring our customers a user-friendly digital signature solution. The Smartwaiver integration with Pike13 easily allows you to collect digital signatures for an adult waiver and a guardian waiver.
Smartwaiver incorporates your brand into the header of the documents. Your logo and business name will appear on all documents, creating a seamless customer experience.
Signed documents will be available as PDFs on client profiles.
With Smartwaiver, businesses no longer need to worry about missing clipboards, missing waiver details, and waiver storing issues. The Smartwaiver integration with Pike13 seamlessly converts your waivers into electronic documents that customers can sign ahead of time. Your clients can be automatically prompted to sign when they create a new client account from their mobile device, a front desk kiosk, or an email.
The guardian waiver is for participants under the age of 18. Instead of collecting the signature of the participant, it requires the signature of the participant’s parent or guardian.
Please take a look at these FAQs regarding Smartwaiver for more information.