Product Updates

PayPal for Pike13

PayPal for Pike13


Today we launched PayPal integration for your Pike13 website. All you need is a PayPal Business Account (available in most countries), which makes this a great option if you are located some place Pike13 doesn't offer merchant processing (... yet).

Even if you already have merchant processing and can accept credit cards from clients, Paypal is a nice payment alternative for your clients.

Integration is easy and takes about two minutes. While signed into Pike13 as an owner, go to Advanced Settings > Accepted Payments > PayPal Integration. From there we ask you to sign into PayPal and authorize Pike13 as a third-party application. When you're redirected back to Pike13, you're done! PayPal is added immediately as a payment option on your Pike13 website. You can disable it or switch PayPal accounts at any time.

When making purchases, clients will be redirected to PayPal to supply their payment information. From there they're redirected back to Pike13 to confirm the purchase. Other than that, the transaction works just like any other on Pike13.

A couple of things to keep in mind when considering PayPal:

  • Paypal is not equivalent to an actual merchant processor. You can't arbitrarily charge a client's PayPal account; clients must initiate the purchase from your Pike13 website.
  • Pike13 doesn't support recurring billing via PayPal at this time. You can still have your clients pay for their monthly memberships via PayPal, but they will need to log in and pay their bill every month. (Don't worry, we notify them when their payment is due.)

Go get paid!


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