The Zapier integration is a game changer for Pike13 customers. Pike13 and Zapier work together to boost productivity by allowing you to sync contacts, invoice, and transaction property fields between two Zapier Apps.
What is Zapier?
Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your favorite apps, such as Gmail, Slack, MailChimp, and over 1,500 more. Productivity using Zapier and Pike13 soars when you're able to seamlessly share data between apps and save yourself hours of administrative time.
What types of Zaps are supported?
Boost productivity with Zapier and Pike13 by creating automations that sync your contacts, invoice, and transaction property fields between two Zapier Apps. For example, if a new client record is created in an app other than Pike13, that app can sync with Pike13 so that your client record appears there, too. You’ll save hours of time by not having to manually input new clients into Pike13.
Which Zaps do you need?
If you browse through the Zapier library you’ll notice that there are tons of way to link your apps together. Which zaps are the most important ones for Pike13 customers? We’ve put together a list of the ones we think you’ll need more often:
Blog >> Automation Inspiration: Popular Zaps for Business Owners

In this post, you’ll find guidance on setting up zaps in the areas of project management, file management, marketing and client surveys to help you boost productivity using Zapier.
How do you activate Zapier for Pike13?
The Zapier integration is available to Pike13 Pro Plan customers or can be purchased a la carte for Business plan customers for $20 (USD) each. Learn More