Do you feel overwhelmed by the stacks of paper on your desk? Imagine running your business with less paper and, more importantly, less paperwork. Pike13 makes it possible for you to simplify your paperwork and to increase efficiency—all while reducing paper.
Let’s look at three of the more paper-intensive practices inmany service-based businesses and see how Pike13 helps.
If a receipt isn't trashed as soon as it's issued, chances are it's just cluttering purses, car consoles, and desktops. In Pike13 receipts are electronic and sent in email to the customer at the time of sale, branded with your business colors and logo. Clients can also access and print all receipts for their purchases in their Pike13 accounts.
Need to jot down a note about a client or leave a note for a staff member about a class he’s covering for you? Our notes functionality lets you leave private notes on client profiles or on class rosters. You can even “star” important notes like client injuries or limitations to keep them prominent in the client profile and visible to staff from the roster. Think of something while on the go? Add notes from any device, wherever you are.

Did you remember something you wanted to mention to a client? A public note left in their profile will be emailed directly to them. You can also leave public notes on rosters—they’re emailed to everyone in attendance. Clients can also manage their notification preferences and choose to receive notes via text.
Waivers and documents
In the paper-based world you hand new clients a clipboard to collect contact information and a signature on the liability waiver. You or a staff member must then take these forms, decipher the often cryptic handwriting, and manually enter them into your management or billing system before you can file the waiver in a file cabinet.
The Pike13 integration with Smartwaiver lets you collect digital signatures on your liability waivers as well as other documents. Instead of a clipboard, the client can enter information on an iPad from the Client Kiosk and sign the waiver with a finger. You can also collect this information online when the client originally books their appointment or enrolls in your class or course. All signed documents are stored in the client profile as well as at Smartwaiver.
Want to learn more? Come back Friday for an in-depth look at the types of documents you can create in Pike13. And as the saying goes, “see your future be your future”—a paperless workplace is possible!

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