Marketing Tips

Start Planning Your Holiday Marketing Campaigns Now

Start planning your holiday marketing campaigns now so you aren’t rushing to throw something together last minute. Save time, stress and money.

I don’t mean to alarm you, but it’s time to start thinking about the holidays. In terms of marketing, they’re right around the corner. Start planning your holiday marketing campaigns now so you aren’t rushing to throw something together last minute. That way you’ll be ready once the holidays actually arrive, saving you time, stress and money.  

Here are a few things to think about to get you started: 

What kind of holiday offer makes sense for your business?

There are a ton of ways to offer holiday deals to your clients, and you’ll want to pick ones that makes the most sense for your business model. It might be a discount or a  seasonal offer. Consider what your clients would actually like–and if you aren’t sure, ask them!–and what is doable in terms of finances and resources. 

What’s your budget?

Depending on the type of holiday marketing campaign you run, you’ll need budget. Figure out what you’ll have available to spend now so there’s no surprises in your bank account down the road. If you don’t have extra money to spend, consider more frugal holiday marketing ideas, such as taking a class you already offer and giving it a holiday theme.

What channels are available to you?

Think about all the marketing channels you have available to you: email, social media, blog, website, advertising, etc. A successful marketing campaign will offer content on all of your channels to maximize exposure. And while forming online campaigns, pay close attention to local SEO. The internet is more widely searched around the holidays than at any other time of year, so you want to ensure that your campaign stands out to clients and prospects nearby. 

plan your holiday marketing campaigns now to save yourself stress later

What can you start advertising now?

The most successful holiday campaigns from larger companies begin advertising in September. As a smaller business, you may not have this in the budget, but there are ways to start getting the word out now. If you plan on offering holiday-themed classes, start talking them up to your clients. Get them excited about it now so they’ll be more likely to sign-up later. 

How can you give the gift of your business?

Do you offer retail at your facility? Your inventory items might make great holiday gifts, and you should feel free to suggest this to your clients. You might also offer gift cards for your services as a holiday gift idea. This would delight current clients who already love your business, and has the chance to bring in new clients, too. 

The holiday season is often a stressful time for business owners, but with a little planning it doesn’t have to be. Put in the work now so during the holidays you can focus on your clients and maybe even gift yourself a little rest and relaxation.  

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