Holiday marketing begins earlier and earlier each year. That’s because it’s a strategy that works. Holiday spending has been increasing steadily for nearly a decade according to the National Retail Foundation, and marketers and business owners are eager to seize upon the trend. Last year shoppers spent $688 billion. That is a lot.

Well, turns out that’s nothing. The NRF forecasts that this year holiday shoppers will spend about $721 billion. Here’s how to bring some of that money into your business.
1. Have fun with it
Holiday spirit helps distract us from the dark and cold weather, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t incorporate it into your marketing efforts. Holiday-themed graphics and puns might find their way into your emails, retail, or end-of-year sales. Advertise special classes with holiday themes. Be creative! If you have fun with it, your clients will, too.
But remember to make your marketing inclusive. Not everyone celebrates the holidays in the same way, and the last thing you want to do is make a client uncomfortable. Stick to neutral holiday themes that everyone can enjoy.
2. Take advantage of holiday shopping
Holiday marketing and shopping are trends you should embrace as a business owner. Christmas is coming, and that means gift-giving. Your classes are likely on the wish-lists of several of your clients, and you should make it easy for shoppers to purchase passes at special holiday prices.
3. Prepare for the January Rush
There are two causes of the January Rush. The first, and most significant cause for gyms, is people acting upon their New Year’s resolutions. But any service business might see an increase in clients in January for the second reason: people are availing themselves of their holiday gifts.
You can prepare your business by having extra staff available, offering additional classes or special classes for first-timers to help get them hooked, and by making sure you have business software (and staff trained on it) that can handle a sudden spike in client data.
4. Market to your existing clients
Your existing clients already like your brand. Offering holiday discounts on retail is a great way to move inventory before the new year. Your clients are also likely to be interested in special holiday themed classes, so don’t forget to let them know the schedule!
This is also a great time of year to show appreciation to your clients. You could send holiday cards (by mail or digitally), offer year-end progress reports, or really anything that shows you appreciate them using your services. Even a small gesture goes a long way to strengthen loyalty.