Business Advisor

Set Business Goals and Plan for Success [Free Download]

Use these tips to set the right goals for you business.

Your customers have set goals, and you’ve probably set some personal goals yourself. But did you set goals for your business?

Set goals you actually want to achieve. Attaining goals isn’t always easy. So it’s important to set ones that you want. By focusing on goals you want to achieve, you’re more likely to put in the effort necessary to make them happen.

Ask yourself why you’re adding that goal to the list. Do you want it, or just think you should want it? Don’t fall victim to social pressure or comparison goals. Accomplishing goals based on what you think others prioritize will leave you feeling hollow.

Ask yourself, “what’s not on your list?” Is it fear that keeps you from adding it? If it’s something you really want—make sure it makes it on your list.

Identify what you don’t want to do. Writing out that you’re not going to work on something this year can be helpful. It may relieve stress, as well as, solidify other commitments. By writing down that this year you’re not going to ‘move locations’ or ‘buy more equipment’, you can remove some stress and help you focus. It can also help you when you’re considering business decisions. Since you’re not moving locations, investing in that fresh coat of paint will be worth the effort, or a cloud-based software to more efficiently run your business.

Balance your goals. Setting business goals should be a holistic endeavor. When creating goals, make sure they’re spread across different areas. Making improvements in only one area can lead to neglect in another. However, if you connect them, you can amplify their impact across different areas. Try rating the different areas in your business. Those areas that rank lower may require more goals or heftier time investments. Try using the worksheet in Mapping Your Business Goals to rate the areas of your business.

Make them SMART. Writing down goals is only helpful if they hit all of the SMART aspects. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Based. SMART goal setting helps articulate the goal clearly and increases the likelihood of success. Ask yourself the following:

  • Do I know what I want to really accomplish?
  • How will I measure this to determine success?
  • Is this challenging, yet still within my ability to reach?
  • Does this align with where I want to take my company?
  • By what date do I want and believe this will be possible to achieve?

A SMART goal worksheet is included in the downloadable Mapping Your Business Goals.

Keep your passion in mind. Knowing why you’re in this business can center you in your goal making.

[Download the free Goal Template worksheets]

Download the free Goal Template worksheets


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