Need clients? Just ask!
Need clients? Just ask!
Clients who love your business, love your community, love the results they get, often LOVE telling everyone they know about what they are doing and why they should do it too. In a word of mouth business like a micro gym, not only are your existing clients one of your best sources for new leads, the folks they refer are often exactly the type of clients you want.
The larger your client-base the more organic referrals you’ll get…just for doing what you’re doing: providing a great environment, exceptional service, results, and FUN!
However, if you’re just starting out and working to actively grow, it can be important to actually ASK your clients for referrals, especially if you’ve yet to break even. If you put a bug in a client’s ear that you are looking to grow, or you have room in your schedule for new clients, they will actually think about who they know that might be a good fit, and who they know that may have mentioned they were thinking about starting a fitness program.
You'll also want to mention you're accepting new clients to anyone you regularly encounter during your day: the barista at the coffee shop, the bank teller, the cashier at Trader Joe's. It doesn't need to be cheesy, just weave it into the small talk that normally goes on in these situations. You might not get anyone immediately, but each time they see you they'll remember what you do and over time you'll find that they will be the source of a referral. A couple years ago we had a client start at NorCal who told us who she was referred by and how the referrer had nothing but great things to say about our program. Funny enough the referrer had never been a client. She was our car insurance agent!
So go ahead and ask! You’ll be surprised at the response you’ll get.