As I’m sure you know based on your experience, traveling and diets do not go hand-in-hand. In fact, when you’re a busy business owner, anything and diets do not seem to go hand-in-hand.
The plethora of ads for expensive restaurants and greasy fast food make unhealthy eating seem like the only option when you travel. But it’s not not! Here are three simple ways that you can beat the road signs, maintain your physique and feel better about yourself when you travel.
Plan Ahead
Keeping food on you beyond the plane/car/train ride will keep you feeling less stressed about what you’re going to eat later, even if you don’t end up feeling inclined to eat it. Avoid sugary snacks and vending machines, as most of the available options will only make you feel hungrier and sluggish. For a healthier option, try one of these:
Packs of almonds, peanuts or cashews
- Trail mix
- Protein bars
- Kale chips
- Bananas
- Apples
- Carrots
- Nori
- Jerky
- Rice cakes
Any of these will fill you up enough to hold you over and prevent further hunger. These are small enough to carry a lot of, so prepare accordingly based on how often you typically feel hungry. Another good trick is to spend some time before your trip researching local, healthy options for wherever you’re traveling to.
Eat More Frequently
Eat in smaller amounts and more often than the typical three meals a day. Doing this will keep your body full all day and prevent you from eating more than usual for dinner. Depending on the purpose of your travel, it may not be feasible or reasonable to prevent going to any restaurants.
Despite this, there are ways to manage what you consume. Think of the internet as one big menu, and research nearby restaurants and check out the options before you choose a place. Knowing what you are going to order or what options there are will help you to make a more knowledgeable and healthier decision. Bonus points if there are enough leftovers for a second meal later.
Drink Water!
This is the big one. The ultimate be all and end all of eliminating hunger is water. If you don’t already, keep a reusable bottle on you and drink frequently so you can feel hydrated all of the time–just don’t forget to empty it before going through airport security! If you think you’re starting to get hungry, drinking a gulp of water could be just the trick to feeling full for a little while longer.
It may seem hard, but following these three simple steps will do so much for your appetite (and bod!) These tips will keep you much happier and healthier no matter where you are in the world.
What are some ways you stay healthy when you travel? Comment a tip below!